
In our pursuit to help get service members’ care packages, we reached out to a past corporate connection who just happened to end up working at the Pentagon. We asked if he knew any Chaplains we could talk with about care packages. He had a connection who had a connection and shared the info. We sent the Chaplain an email explaining what we do and asked if he’d be willing to have a conversation while we were in the area. An email came back along with a copy to his assistant saying he would meet with us, and she would help us get our security clearance! We were going to the Pentagon to meet with a Joint Chief Chaplain! Definitely a Top 10 moment!! Michelle had also always wanted to go to Washington D.C. and getting to go to the Pentagon to talk about care packages is something she never dreamed would happen.
On the day of the meeting, Rob called an Uber because we thought it would be easier than taking the rental car. We got dropped off in the parking lot, and many tourists were taking photos. So, Michelle snapped one of Rob as they walked up to the gate, only to see the sign stating that photos were prohibited! Michelle’s a rule follower, so this was a no-no, but she did keep the photo. We get into the line to enter the building, stop at the first security check to get our visitor badges, stop at a couple of other checkpoints, and wait to be picked up by the Joint Chief Chaplain. While we were waiting, there was security everywhere. Once he picked us up, we walked upstairs toward the center of the building, passing many stores, a post office, and more. We had always heard the Pentagon was like a small city. Well, it is. We walked to a seating area that looked similar to a food court in a shopping mall, where we grabbed a Starbucks and found a couch to sit on. We talked with him for an hour and a half about the impact he has seen care packages make during his service career. We shared our story and talked about some of the nonprofits we work with. We shared that many started as a way to honor someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice or someone who had been touched by experiences like we were. We learned a lot from him about how the military works. When we told him the groups and service members we work with had let us know that over 50% of those who serve never get a care package, he confirmed that many service members go without. He believed that number was accurate based on his service and confirmed how much they mean when someone is down.
We won’t post my illegal picture of Rob, but here is one of the 911 Memorials. We stopped by there to pay respects after our meeting while waiting for our ride.
We’ve stayed in touch with Chaplain MacRae over the years. He eventually left the Pentagon and transferred to Camp Pendleton. We had the opportunity to catch up with him again while we were in California for the Blue Star Mothers of America National Convention. We were honored to be invited to his retirement celebration. We have no doubt we will continue to stay in touch.