National Guard Community Partner
Military shipping is one of the top five things military families have questions about, especially as a National Guard Community Partner. When we started attending pre-deployments, we had a table and introduced ourselves. Every pre-deployment we went to we experienced groups of family members around our table asking questions and getting tips. We would leave with no voices left. Feedback started to get back that families found the information we shared extremely helpful and that they did not have enough time to ask what they wanted. Now we teach with a short 15-minute or so brief highlighting the key things families need to know about military shipping. We have witnessed the power that comes from the connection of shipping, especially across the miles of deployment, and we do everything we can to help families and friends stay connected to their service members away from home. Our class covers proper addressing, restrictions, custom forms, and different ways to save money on shipping. Our goal is to expand this past the National Guard, so if you have an interest, reach out. We love making a difference for those who serve, and it is one of the ways we give back!