Military Donations

care package teams

Options for Military Donations to Support our Troops

Supporting our troops through various donation options is a meaningful way to express gratitude for their service and sacrifices. Whether it’s contributing items for care packages, donating directly to nonprofits dedicated to military support, providing boxes for assembling care packages, or contributing to initiatives like Ship Gratitude, there are multiple avenues available for individuals to show appreciation to those in the armed forces.

  • Donating Funds to Military Nonprofits

  • Donating Time by Volunteering

  • Donating Boxes for Military Care Packages

  • Donating Items for Military Care Packages

Why Military Donations?

Donations are more than just gifts; they are essential support systems for our troops, especially those stationed overseas. The comforts of home are often out of reach for service members on active duty. Something as simple as a care package can significantly lift spirits, providing a touch of home and normalcy in an otherwise challenging environment. Monetary contributions to organizations dedicated to military support fund programs that assist with everything from medical care to educational benefits for veterans and their families.

Moreover, donations are a reflection of our community’s solidarity with the armed forces. They send a powerful message that we, as a society, are invested in the well-being of our service members. This support can have a profound impact on morale and mental health, easing the strain of deployment and separation from loved ones. In essence, when we donate, we’re not just giving goods or money—we’re giving hope and recognition for their service.

care packages loaded at a table

Giving Back

Nonprofits struggle to raise funds. We started Ship Gratitude, a 501(c) organization, to help other nonprofit organizations raise funds to support the 1.9 M who serve and the more than half that never get a care package.

Enlisted soldiers with an open care package

Donating Funds to Military Nonprofits

Monetary donations to military support nonprofits have a far-reaching impact beyond immediate monetary value. These contributions fund essential services like counseling for veterans dealing with mental health issues, scholarships for military children, and assistance for wounded service members and their families. Your financial support can help sustain these programs and ensure they remain available to those in need.

Additionally, some organizations use donations to improve the quality of life for troops on active duty by providing them with advanced communication services to stay in touch with their families or funding morale-boosting activities. Monetary donations also offer flexibility, allowing organizations to allocate funds to urgent and changing needs of the military community.

Every dollar you donate makes a real difference and contributes to a larger pool that collectively supports the well-being of service members and their families. It’s an investment in the lives of those who have dedicated themselves to serving our country.

Donating Time by Volunteering

Donating your time to military support organizations is invaluable. Volunteers provide essential assistance through various roles, from event planning to offering specialized skills or even simply lending a listening ear to veterans. Your time contributes to the ongoing support of service members and veterans, enriching both their lives and the broader military community.

We’ve partnered with Nonprofit organizations across the USA who can use a helping hand in their efforts to support the troops. If you’re interested in volunteering at a military nonprofit group, reach out so we can help you find an organization near you.

Volunteers with a ShiptoMilitary Care Package
American Legion care package shipping box

Donating Boxes for Military Care Packages

By donating boxes, you directly support care package initiatives, ensuring that soldiers feel remembered and valued. These boxes are more than just containers; they symbolize a connection to home and deliver morale-boosting items to troops abroad, fostering a tangible sense of community support.

Our box sponsorship program is designed to provide our nonprofit partners much needed support by eliminating the burden of purchasing boxes, and allowing organizations the opportunity to spread the word by placing their logo on the box. Whether you’re a nonprofit or a corporation, your logo and message will be seen by every hand the box passes by, from the packing event to the service member overseas.

Why buy boxes? It’s simple. A standard 12x12x6 box is more cost effective to ship to APO, FPO or DPO addresses than using the same size Free Flat Rate Box, significantly reducing the cost burden of shipping care packages to our troops.

Donating Items for Military Care Packages

Donating items can significantly impact the daily lives of service members and their families. From essential hygiene products to favorite snacks from home, your contributions help provide comfort, entertainment, and a sense of normalcy to those facing challenges related to military life.

Care packages of snacks and candy